jueves, 10 de marzo de 2016

More and more new releases… now Poland 15mm

A new collection is available in épsilon. Three Polish houses are included in the epsilon catalogue in 15mm. The prize for each one is only €15, and we send the item painted and ready 2Play. 

2 comentarios:

Frank Paya dijo...

After having scanned through internet looking for scenic houses for WW2 15mm scenarios in Wargaming, I came across Epsilon prepainted houses. To my amazement, I found that the houses sell for the same price as unpainted houses (4ground, escenorama, etc) at around 15-20 euros a house. The houses are pre-painted with weathering highlight and amazing detail. They also include a range of cheaper 10mm houses that go well in scenerios (combining small & large houses). In all, a truly good opportunity to acquire pre-painted houses at a reasonable price without the need to paint them up.

escenografia epsilon dijo...

Thanks Frank, i`m very happy with your comment. I'm working every day to produce the best product that i can.